Our Analysis and Risk Reduction Work Plan Includes…
- Comprehensive assessment of your physical work space
- Risk analysis of operations
- Expert guidance for reducing transmission among customers
- Employee training, occupational risk/hazard recognition and job-specific risk reduction plan
- Review of supply chain/distributor procedures
- Community, customer and employee communications support
- Assignment and support of an employee COVID-19 workplace coordinator
- Development of systems for coordination with state and local health officials and monitoring of local condition
- Updates impacting your business
- COVID-19 screening systems
- Detailed guidance on what to do if employees test positive
- Sick leave and supportive processes
- Workforce contact tracing
- Staffing contingency planning
- Travel assessment and risk minimization
- Cleaning, disinfecting and waste disposal strategies
- Managing and mitigating ethical and legal issues and risks
- Policy and procedures related to infection prevention, control and updated operations to minimize outbreaks
- Web-based training engagements with state governments, associations, and individual operators
Services may be completed remotely and are billed by the hour or project.